Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Today was much better than yesterday. My apartment is paid for, I like my roommates, and I had a really good time tonight. After an impossible, literally, test about Spanish culture and most of the people failing it miserably, we were kind of lectured about being unprepared for class. My automatic response to almost everything that is different is to say 'it's an American custom'. I still am living by my motto that 'if I don't know something, someone else will', it's amazingly effective with navigation and basic skills and services.
Back to my apartment, but only because it is such a big deal that everyone has a place to live and that we had to find it ourselves!!, I will like it. It has an ideal, central location- both campuses, the Cathedral, and various stores. I will be living with two Spanish girls studying medicine, a girl from grupo de Kansas, and a girl from Glasgow. Because everything closes during siesta time, I couldn't get to a bank to cash the check for our deposits for apartments. So, that was stressful, and because of that I just didn't go to meet my landlord. And because I don't have a SIM card and my phone didn't unlock until today, I basically just totally blew her off. Eh, everything worked out fine.
Tonight, hah, everything is more fun at night, we went to a Chinese restaurant and I had sake for the first time; it's actually pretty good. But we couldn't figure out the drinking method, which is fine because I generally look like I don't know how to do whatever task is at hand, so I'm fairly used to it. The food was pretty good, I sure ate a lot! Later, we met up with a few guys from Venezuela to go to a cafeteria and they all got drinks for us. If you want a mixed drink here, it's always half and half. Then we went to Guayaba again, the place we went for our first night out. It was a lot of fun! I met some guy and talked with him for a long time, but I think there were many times where there was a miscommunication entre each other. We got home around 3.30 am, which shows we are adjusting to the right time! I had to go to class early to buy a packet because I didn't do it the other day because I alloted that time for a bank - which didn't work out - so, now my mission is to hit up the bank as well as the phone place. Also, Friday, move-in day, will be full of shopping as well because we don't have class. Suckas! The rain in Spain? Mainly in Santiago. It has been raining frequently, not pouring or anything, but a constant light rain. It's always comical to see the broken umbrellas strewn about the street. I lost mine today, I just dropped it but it was so crowded I couldn't get back to it. So, another sacrificed umbrella, I guess.
Tomorrow, running a few errands after all my classes - I'm going for a siesta! - so, here's hoping that the phone place is helpful!

1 comment:

gayle said...

Hi Kate! Hope everything is going well, I love reading about your adventure! Send some pics,